Big Game

Prices for Shoulder Mounts

Whitetail Deer $725
Mule Deer $725
Antelope $700
Elk $1,100
Bear & Moose Please Call (Due to Pose Options)

 Prices for Antler Mounts

Basic Antler Mounts $100+
European $150 (For Deer)

Proper Field Care

For shoulder mounts: Skin animal starting about mid rib cage, and continue upward until you reach the desired area. Then freeze until you are able to deliver. Never let the animal sit in the sun. This will cause hair slippage during the tanning process. Customers will be held responsible if proper field care is not taken and results in hair slippage during the tanning process.

Out of State Animals

All big game animals harvested out of state must be delivered caped; this means no brain matter in cranium, and spinal column removed. This is state law to reduce the threat of Chronic Wasting.